Efkon India

Video Incident Detection System (VIDS)

An efficient traffic management system depends on how fast incidents are detected, verified, and resolved. Video analysis is a well-established technology for traffic incident monitoring. Through real-time analysis of camera images, a wide variety of incidents can be detected, and lives can be saved. Video Incident Detection Systems (VIDS) consists of a network of cameras that automatically detect events and ensure appropriate responses.
EFKON’s Video Incident Detection System (VIDS) provides accurate and reliable vehicle tracking with automatic incident detection for highways and expressways. The system helps providing safety on highways and generate e-Challans for violators on roads. To make our roads safer and ensuring a smooth traffic flow, our VIDS can detect:

How the VIDS system works?

The VIDS cameras mounted on highway structures monitors the respective stretch. Dedicated algorithms monitoring the video signals turn the traffic data into actionable business intelligence. This traffic data is transmitted continuously to the technical control room, unusual activity detected by the system is validated and confirmed, to take required action depending upon the incident type.

Key Features

Advantage of using EFKON’s VIDS system

High accuracy of violation detection ~ 95%
Low installation cost, hence, highly cost-effective
Efficient and reliable
24X7 real-time intelligent monitoring of road
Faster response time to accidents thereby reducing fatalities

Our VIDS is installed at