Efkon India

Automatic Traffic Counter and Classifier (ATCC)

Collecting real-time, reliable, and precise vehicle flow information is crucial for instant management of traffic on roads. To maximize the capacity of city roads as well as highways, continuous vehicle monitoring, counting, and classification efforts need to be carried out to understand seasonal, day-of-the-week, and time-of-the-day traffic volume patterns. Automatic Traffic Counter and Classifier (ATCC) monitors the real-time traffic flow of a road section, keeps count of vehicles, and classify them according to their pre-defined classes.
EFKON’s Video-based Automatic Traffic Counter and Classifier (ATCC) is a standalone ATCC system based on neural network/map matching technique. It gathers real-time traffic data, including vehicle count, classification, traffic volume, average traffic speed, time headway, direction of travel and occupancy. Our system can count and classify vehicles up to five classes:

Key Features

Advantage of using EFKON’s ATCC system

High accuracy level of 95% (traffic count, vehicle classification)
A complete IP video-based solution: mobile and non-intrusive solution
Real-time video analysis
Highly cost-effective solution
Easy validation of traffic data
Easy integration with third party software

Our ATCC is installed at